Quzhou Open University inaugurated丨Better Technology Group becomes the first professional practice base of the school


On November 11, the opening ceremony of Quzhou Open University and the new campus was held at the new campus at No. 7 Xuefu Road, Wisdom New Town, Kecheng District, Quzhou City. Xu Gongfang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Zhejiang Open University, Xu Xuqing, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Quzhou Municipal People's Congress, Li Ning, Vice Mayor of the Quzhou Municipal Government, Huang Weiqing, Vice Chairman of the Quzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Xu Genius, Deputy Secretary General of the Quzhou Municipal Government and relevant departments at the Quzhou City level attended.
Luo Weihua, General Manager of Better Technology Group, was also invited to participate in the Quzhou Open University inauguration and new campus opening ceremony as the head of the school's teaching practice base.

Fu Yuanxun, Party Secretary of Quzhou Open University, presided over the unveiling ceremony and Xu Genius, Deputy Secretary General of Quzhou Municipal Government, read out the approval document of Quzhou Municipal People's Government.
The site was unveiled for Quzhou Open University, Quzhou Community Education Guidance Centre, Quzhou Community Family Education Guidance Service Centre, the first batch of school professional practice bases were awarded and visiting professors were appointed to issue appointment letters.
Better Technology Group Limited became the first professional practice base of Quzhou Open University.
The cooperation between Quzhou Open University and Better Technology Group in building professional practice bases for students can effectively strengthen students' technical skills and practical abilities, as well as deepen students' understanding of society, public sentiment and the market and enterprises.
At the same time, the "university-enterprise cooperation" model can also stimulate the innovative vitality of enterprises, help them overcome technical difficulties, promote the exchange of talents and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and achieve win-win high-quality development for all parties.
This inauguration has given Better Technology Group a strong scientific and technological support, taking the establishment of a professional practice base as a starting point to enhance the exchange and cooperation with Quzhou Open University in terms of industry-university-research cooperation, giving full play to their respective advantages, deep integration and win-win cooperation.

President of Quzhou Open University, Mr. Bi Ming, awarded a plaque to the professional practice base.
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